For any kind of information export, we do the following.. (This is particularly the case for boxes using Mailchimp/Constant contact.
1.- First go down to Xtentia from your home dashboard. (The cloud icon on the bottom right).
2.- Click on contacts, then search contacts and the “Search CRM & Contact base” window will appear
3.- This window has the filters that will allow the user to get the exact information that they want. Usually they want all the contacts, in the box regardless of their membership. If that’s the case they will leave step 1 clear, and use step 2. In step 2 they need to select the information they want to get, email, phone number etc. Once they do that, they need to make sure to click on the checkbox “Display as Report” It will enable them to copy everything and paste it in excel. Of course excel will allow them to convert the file into a .CSV or else.
3.1.- In the case for clients that want to get only active members, they do the following:
-Check the “Include Search on Services/Producst/Orders, then “And Service Status is..” Active. (For active clients, otherwise suspended, etc..)
-On the right make sure you check what kind of information you want to get, if you are using a PC, hold the CONTROL key while clicking on the different fields you want to get. If you are doing this from a Mac, hold the COMMAND key for this.
-On Step 3 make sure you click on the checkbox (Display as Report), and then hit search.
-Copy all that data and paste it into you excel spreadsheet and you will be done.